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Puppy Le Pew

Pet Grooming & Boarding

8847 Maysville Rd.
Maysville, GA 30558

(770) 530-5265

Anchor 1

News Release – Business Loses One Groomer

(The factual points to follow are to inform customers from our existing database who have a history w/ our company.)


Former groomer Tracy decides to leave position at Puppy Le Pew (PLP) and on doing so changes online platforms used by PLP thus deceiving/confusing customers by:

  • Re-branding PLP Facebook page used for yrs., changing company name to a business not recognized by state
    of GA


  • Claiming PLP Google Business profile, also changing name, thereby claiming Google reviews earned by hard work of PLP staff over yrs., making reviews look like they belong to her

  • Giving impression company changed names & initiating rumor that Puppy Le Pew was closed

Tracy was working elsewhere illegally by:

  • Operating out of garage from another's home w/o a business license

  • Violating zoning ordinances, doing business in residential area where businesses are not allowed

  • Violating GA Animal Protection Act by operating w/o a kennel license

    • Facility not inspected by state, which assures (among other things) that animals have sanitary shelter, wholesome food, water, adequate ventilation, heat & air.

Tracy interfered with our business by:

  • Fraudulently applying for renewal of PLP business license under her name

    • Telling City Administrator/Clerk of Maysville, GA she was new lease holder of our building

    • Claiming she was current owner of company working from our location

    • Saying original owners had moved on.

  • Taking copy of our client contact list, claiming all customers that ever came to PLP were customers belonging to her

  • Lying to customers coming for appts. after she quit (booked before), saying building flooded but PLP would still handle appt., leading them elsewhere for dogs to be serviced, payments not going to PLP

  • Leaving some customers waiting in parking lot, w/ no one coming to service them, not having logged appts. before quitting

    • When asked about one saying, "I can't handle that dog. Honestly, I can't stand him either."

  • Interrupting our Text Message promotions, sending Facebook message claiming we were trying to reach “her clients” w/ the text "sent intentionally to confuse everyone”.


For further information, please reach us on our business line at 770-530-5265.

It's ultimately your choice on where you have your pet groomed. We value your business enough to bring you the truth, ask that you please be careful on where you go, & beware of anyone that is not fully prepared to take responsibility for any eventualities. We are fully licensed and insured. Admittedly, our overhead is high, our profits are low. We're not out to make a quick buck, but here to bring you a dependable, reliable service you can count on for years to come.

From the owners of Puppy Le Pew, we thank you!

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