Puppy Le Pew
Pet Grooming & Boarding
8847 Maysville Rd.
Maysville, GA 30558
(770) 530-5265
Vacation plans in the works?
Summer will soon be here. And before you know it, it'll be time to take those long awaited trips! Can’t take your fur baby with you? Don’t have a pet sitter that you want coming into your home? Then make plans now to board your pet.
We have spaces available for dogs or cats.
Call us at 770-530-5265 to book a safe, comfortable spot.
Get discounted rates for multiple pets.
Call anytime for details!
(Make grooming appointments for the hours below. But we take calls at anytime for making the reservations!)
Hours to schedule appointments:
Mon - Closed; Tue, Wed 9AM - 6PM; Thur - Closed; Fri 9AM - 6PM; Sat 10AM - 5PM; Sun - Closed
We prefer services by appointment so we can properly schedule our staff.
Walk-ins are welcome while we're here, but there's no guarantee we can fit you in. Call today to reserve a spot!